Incredible response from the 1st volume, much love to everyone who's reading this

From the man himself Jimbo the Electrician, he shares some of his crazy on-site stories, but which one is the truth?
Statement 1:
Customer had a chair with hundreds of real teeth glued to it
Statement 2:
Customer tried to pay a £600 bill in 2p savings
Statement 3:
Customer answered the door naked
Answer at the bottom
1. Check The Busbar
Check the busbar connections with an insulated mirror to prevent any loose connections.

2. Testing Made Easier
If your testing on your own, grab yourself a pair of R1+R2 test leads, I promise it's like having an extra pair of hands

3. Heat Shrink over Insulation Tape
Heat shrink is a lot more durable and will not lose its adhesiveness over time, and shows a much neater finish

The TIS MFTPRO-EV full kit is industry multi-award winning, guiding the user through the full EVSE testing sequence in just over 2 minutes!
For the month of September, use the code below for an exclusive 7.5% taking it down to £1075.00 +VAT, which is discount off the usual 'street price’
This code can be presented to any TIS stockist during the month along with it being valid at ELEX Coventry, ELEX Exeter & NAPIT Newcastle events.
Exclusive Discount Code: JIMBOPROEV
Check it Out!
There is a different procedure for EV chargers!
As we know the everyday RCD's we fit are 30mA rated, but... did you know to test an EV charger many manufactures include a 6mA Type B RCD or RDC DD, and the majority of test equipment we use on-site does not hit that requirement.
How to get around this!
Ensure that the tester you are using, has the capability for the installation, so commissioning can be signed off correctly.
EV Testers

Best Looking Fuse board
Best looking board will get a shout-out in next months edition plus...
Winner will receive a Boddingtons Electrical Insulated Mirror
Email your best consumer unit/distribution board by clicking the link below.
To enter: Subscribe to Watt's Up and email us a photo.

The biggest part of being a tradesman is looking after your tools, van, staying on top of paper work... but the most important tool you own is your MIND.
We will be donating 10% of any profit made from this newsletter. If you are feeling off, feel free to reach out for a chat.
Let's have a Chat!
Anyone who has worked in a domestic houses has come across some interesting things whilst doing a job, but this customer has set the bar to a new heights!

The material and information contained in this newsletter is for informational purpose only, you should not rely upon the material or information on this newsletter, all readers must make their own judgment and seek professional advice when making decisions based on the context of the newsletter