Purpose Of Thermal Imaging?

This ensures that electrical components and wiring stay within their operating temperature range, if not checked we may miss certain problems such as the breakdown of components, excessive heat build-up and loose connections.

What To Look For?

Hotspots: Look for any areas of the system that appear significantly hotter than the surrounding areas. Hotspots could indicate loose connections, overloaded circuits, faulty equipment or other issues that may lead to electrical hazards.

Consistency: Check for a consistent temperature reading over time. A significant temperature rise could indicate issues or problems that are progressively getting worse.

Abnormality: Using your engineering judgment, always look for things that don't seem normal. Use your experience and senses to your advantage to spot a hazard. With your sense of smell, you could potentially find a fire hazard without actually seeing it. It is well known that electrical burning smells like fish.


  • If you are analysing a shiny material the thermal imaging camera can pick up your body heat reflection so always stand out of the way.
  • Use a reliable thermal imaging camera. This is a very important test procedure and you don't want to have the test manipulated by low-quality equipment.
  • Always keep a record of your readings and findings as it could be crucial for the next inspection. Many cameras offer a screenshot function and can save the picture to an SD card.

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What is an "AM2" assessment?

I's a practical skills test for electricians in the UK. It's a key part of becoming a qualified electrician and assist you in passing your NVQ Level 3 for Electrical Installation.

1. Whats Included In The AM2 Assessment

Safe Isolation and Risk Assessment:

This is a procedure that needs to become 2nd nature, not just to pass the assessment but to keep you safe whenever you're working around electricity.

  • TEST

This ensures that the equipment you are working on is not energised. There are 3 tests on a single phase supply and 10 tests on a 3 phase supply. Remembering these test is a MUST!

Single Phase:

  • Test 1: L-E
  • Test 2: L-N
  • Test 3: N-E


  • Test 1: L1-E
  • Test 2: L2-E
  • Test 3: L3-E
  • Test 4: N-E
  • Test 5: L1-N
  • Test 6: L2-N
  • Test 7: L3-N
  • Test 8: L1-L2
  • Test 9: L1-L3
  • Test 10: L2-L3


2. Installation

You will be required to wire and connect several circuits. It's important to find out exactly what you will need to wire prior to your assessment and if you're not confident on any of the wiring, make this a priority to study.

A good way to do this is drawing out the circuits until they become second nature to you.

Circuits can be the following:

  • Ring Final Circuit
  • Intermediate Lighting Circuit
  • 3-Phase Direct on line starter
  • 3-Phase Isolator
  • Data Circuit
  • Carbon Monoxide Detector
  • Central Heating (Comes with wiring diagram)
Test Installation Board via qualified4life

In addition you may need to terminate cables such as a SWA, SY, Data and FP200. Get familiar with the process by going to your local wholesaler and getting scrap cable to practice on.

Note: If the exam consists of installing containment the same principle applies. Practice what you are not confident in, again ask your work or wholesalers if you can have any scrap.

3. Inspection and Testing

For this you must perform electrical inspection and testing tasks on your installation you just installed. Many people find this part of the assessment the most daunting. Usually this is because they are unprepared or lack confidence.

The IET Guidance note 3 is also a great publication to read and explains every detail of I&T in depth.

If you carry out testing everyday at your workplace and you feel confident with this it is crucial to make sure your work partner does not "cut corners" and show you bad habits. Just one mistake can be costly.

The testing procedure which you need to remember is the following:

  • Continuity of protective conductors including main and supplementary bonding
  • Continuity of ring final circuits
  • Installation resistance
  • Polarity dead
  • Polarity Live
  • Earth fault loop impedance
  • Prospective short circuit current
  • Prospective earth fault current
  • RCD
  • Functional test

4. Fault Finding

Fault finding is a section where if you don't understand the testing procedures you will really struggle. Take your time in understanding the procedures above. Do NOT just learn the test procedure but make sure you understand the test procedure and what readings you should and shouldn't have. Remembering it and understanding it are two completely different things.

Faults you could get but not limited to, These will only be faults you can find with your MFT and Data Tester.

  • Short Circuit
  • Open Circuit
  • Data Fault
  • Heating Wiring fault
  • High Resistance
  • Incorrect Polarity

Learn and understand the above faults and the possibilities on how they can occur as correct identification/terminology is vital.

Testing fuseboard viaTable8Media

5. Documentation

Here you will need to carry a risk assessment and an initial verification certificate. The best way to understand how to fill out a certificate is to help fill them out in work, with your qualified supervisor. You can also look in Guidance Note 3, Chapter 2 which has a great section on initial verification.

Online Exam

For the online exam it's important you can read the books listed below. Understanding how the books are arranged will help you locate the answers very quickly and save you time. It will be extremely hard to pass this exam if you do not utilise the books.

  • BS 7671 IEE Wiring regulations
  • IEE On Site Guide
  • IEE Guidance Note 3
  • Electrical Installers Guide To The Building Regulations

General Tips to Pass the AM2 Assessment

  • Preparation and Practice - Familiarise yourself with the assessment format and tasks and practice the installation, testing, and fault-finding tasks regularly.
  • Know the Standards and Regulations: Ensure you have a good understanding of the latest wiring regulations (BS7671) and any amendments that may have been released prior to exam.
  • Safety First: Always prioritise safety procedures, especially safe isolation. Display a methodical approach by double checking that you follow all safety protocols.
  • Time Management: Be mindful of the time allocated for each section of the exam and even practice completing tasks within the time limits to build speed and efficiency.
  • Review Feedback: If you have previously attempted the AM2 and were unsuccessful, review the feedback provided and focus on improving the areas where you were marked down.

Note that the contents of the AM2 can vary depending on what country you live in. So please check that this is suitable for you.

Residual Current Device (RCD)Residual Current Device (RCD) Q1: Which ofthe following colours is used for earth conductors in electrical installations in the UK?

  1. Black
  2. Blue
  3. Green and yellow

Q2: What should be done if a protective conductor continuity test fails?

  1. Ignore the result and proceed with the installation
  2. Replace the protective conductor immediately
  3. Recheck all connections and retest

Q3: What is the purpose of a residual current device (RCD)?

  1. To protect against overload
  2. To protect against earth faults and electric shock
  3. To prevent short circuits

Q4: In a ring final circuit, what is the minimum cross-sectional area of the protective conductor required if the circuit is wired in 2.5mm2 twin and earth cable?

  1. 1.0mm2
  2. 1.5mm2
  3. 2.5mm2

Q5: Which device is used to protect an electrical circuit from overcurrent?

  1. Residual Current Device (RCD)
  2. Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)
  3. Surge Protection Device (SPD)

Q6: What is the correct procedure if you encounter an electrical component that is not functioning during the AM2 assessment?

  1. Replace the component immediately
  2. Report the fault to the assessor
  3. Ignore the fault and continue

Q7: What is the purpose of a lockout/tagout system in electrical work?

  1. To secure tools and equipment
  2. To ensure only authorized personnel can operate the system and it cannot be turned live when fitted
  3. To identify faulty equipment

Q8: According to BS 7671, what is the maximum permissible disconnection time for a final circuit not exceeding 32A in a TN system?

  1. 0.2 seconds
  2. 0.4 seconds
  3. 1 second

Q9: According to BS 7671, which document must be provided upon completion of an electrical installation?

  1. Risk assessment report
  2. Installation certificate
  3. Method statement

Q10: When installing a motor during the AM2 practical assessment, what must be demonstrated?

  1. Correct wiring of the motor starter
  2. Proper lubrication of the motor bearings
  3. Correct phase rotation and direction of rotation


  • A1 = C.) Green and yellow
  • A2 = C.) Recheck all connections and retest
  • A3 = B.) To protect against earth faults and electric shock
  • A4 = B.) 1.5mm2
  • A5 = B.) Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)
  • A6 = B.) Report the fault to the assessor
  • A7 = B.) To ensure only authorized personnel can operate the system and
  • it cannot be turned live when fitted
  • A8 = B.) 0.4 seconds
  • A9 = B.) Installation certificate
  • A10 = C.) Correct phase rotation and direction of rotation
  • 9-10 = Master Electrician
  • 6-8 = Good work, nearly there
  • 3-5 = Maybe your destiny is a plumber
  • 0-2 = Pick up a paint brush

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